
We are the proud operators of Global Ichiba, an online store that caters to the global community by providing subscription boxes packed with the best of Japan. From traditional Japanese crafts to candy, bath salts, alcohol, food, toys, and more, we offer an extensive range of categories that is sure to satisfy every taste bud and curiosity. Our subscription boxes are perfect for anyone seeking to delve deeper into the fascinating world of Japanese culture and traditions, or those simply interested in indulging in some of the most delicious Japanese food and cute sundries out there. So why wait? Head on over to our online store and get ready to discover all that Japan has to offer!

Import & Export

Not only do we specialize in mail-order services, but we are also heavily involved in the exciting world of trading! With our import/export liquor wholesaler license, we're proud to offer our customers the unique opportunity to purchase some of the finest Western liquor from overseas. And for those companies looking to export Japan's top-notch liquor overseas, we've got you covered too! Our team of experts is here to help with all your liquor-related needs, so don't hesitate to reach out to us today. Let's raise a glass to new beginnings and endless possibilities!

Liquor sales manager 

Person : SOUSIN Co., Ltd. 

Address : 514-32, Sendo, Yoneda, Kakogawa, Hyogo Japan

Manager : Kousei Kirioka

Last training : 27/April/2022

Next training : 26/April/2025

Training association : Himeji Liquor Merchants' Association

Contact : sousin3.27 [a] gmail.com